Kelp Social Community Guidelines
By joining us today you are agreeing to not:
- Sell products on your blogs (registered companies we will able to advertise their products on our site shop).
- Sell animals on your blogs and advertise the sale of animals (Rehoming advertisements will only be allowed through registered charities that have a charity blog with us).
- Post any gory images or images that are especially harrowing (we advertise this site to sponsors and insurers as suitable for younger audiences).
- Post or advertise any animal sports (betting or blood sport advertisements).
We agree:
- To urge bloggers to proceed with caution when reviewing a product, being sure it is safe and well tested before advertising.
- Not to allow any brands or charities to remain on the platform in any capacity if they do not support animal welfare. Brands and charities without the badges, have not been verified by us- therefore we cannot advocate their product, please use discretion.
- To request that any product or topic content is high quality and animal friendly.
- Not to support- advertisement of breeders/ sale of animals/ rehoming of animals from unlicensed charities, animal sports, hunting, animal testing or animal abuse of any kind. We are also an inclusive community that does not tolerate hate or discrimination of any kind. Blogs with this nature, advocating such practices or including such words can and will be removed.
A few words from us
At Kelp Social we do not support certain animal related topics. This is due to the fact that these products, subjects and concepts are not in the best interests of animals. For example we do not support animals used in sport, as their health is often compromised in these processes. We also don’t support selling animals unless the charity is registered with us as this is unregulated and could be supporting puppy mills/ intensive breeding/ wildlife trafficking.
Also it is to be noted that all the companies advocated and sponsored by us on this site are hand picked for their quality and benefits for animals. Any brands that are advocated by other bloggers are requested to follow the same criteria but unless that same brand or charity is registered with us, we cannot guarantee their quality. If there are any blogs or accounts that are promoting anything we are unaware of, we will always investigate this and remove the material if it is detrimental to animal welfare.
We take our representation of the animal community very seriously and have to be selective in our approach to avoid supporting practices we do not believe in and that are not in the best interest of animals. This community is devoted to animals, their protection and finding a better place for them in our society. This is a huge responsibility and we want to be sure those that join us are informed in why we don’t support or promote certain topics.
We accept that the animal community may have different opinions on different brands, and we will allow people the freedom to discuss these. However our ethos will be the final voice on who is registered, what topics make the featured page and what Kelp Social itself blogs about. We can assure you that the topics we chose are best for animals in one way or another and our motives will always be the same, to make their lives better.
We hope that you can join us, and our supporting companies in promoting the best animal welfare.