About Kelp Social
My name is Mollie Kerr and I am the CEO & Founder of Kelp Social.
My life has always been dedicated to animals. I am sure many of you feel the same protective instincts and unconditional love as I do. I went through many job aspirations but none of them would’ve had the impact and reach I wanted to create. I studied Animal Management at Merrist Wood and later studied Pet Shop Management, as an initial step to improve pet welfare. I worked in a more ‘conscientious’ pet shop but quickly realised I had goals and passions that needed another medium for me to share.
Over the last few years, I have been working to find a way to help every animal species, it is a responsibility that I have felt daunting at times. But my commitment to animals will never waver. Social media is such an influential tool and after strategizing how I could make a platform beneficial for its users and sponsors, I settled on Kelp Social.
Kelp Social is a social media platform specifically for animal lovers, providing a unique combination of carefully selected brands and charities, with like-minded bloggers. Together I want to build a compassionate community and offer them the opportunity to make a difference.
I chose the name Kelp as kelp is an ‘ecosystem engineer’. For fish, snails, seals, otters and whales, it is somewhere they can eat, raise their young and find shelter. Kelp-rich forests, which can grow up to 100 feet tall, create canopies at the top of their fronds. Otters wrap themselves in these canopies and use them as blankets while they sleep. These canopies can also transport animals hundreds of kilometres.
This is why I call this revolution ‘The Raft’. By spreading awareness, sharing your story and connecting with other animal lovers, you are The Raft. You are the hero that all animals need, now more than ever. If we work together, this Raft will grow bigger, stronger and support more species.
If you want to help build The Raft, then start your membership here. You can blog free of charge and connect with other users. If you sign up for a membership, you will be able to grow your account, earning a level-up when you receive likes, comments and shares, as well as rewards from our exclusively animal-friendly sponsors.
If you know any charities or brands that would be suitable for this platform, or if you have any ideas about how we can help animals, I would love to hear from you at hello@kelpsocial.co.uk.