Animal Welfare Community Online

Kelp Social is a community-based social media platform, built to unite all animal lovers. Blog free of charge or sign up for our memberships to get perks from animal-friendly sponsors! We can't wait to see what you are passionate about.

Blog Posts

Adopt Don't Shop
Nenfort Jerome

Adopt, Don’t Shop: How Puppy Mills Affect More Than Just Dogs

The sight of a cheerful puppy wagging its tail behind the glass of a pet store window, with adorable eyes is almost impossible to resist right? But behind that fluffy bundle of joy may lie a harsh reality you might not expect…..a puppy mill. These breeding facilities, hidden from view,

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Orangutan Caring Week

Orangutan Caring Week 2024

Orangutan Caring WeekNovember 10-16, 2024Theme: Orangutans Leading the Way: One Planet, One Future Orangutan Caring Week is here—a time dedicated to celebrating and protecting one of Earth’s most extraordinary and endangered species. This year’s theme, “Orangutans Leading the Way: One Planet, One Future,” captures the urgency of conservation efforts and the inspiration

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Animal Welfare
Banita Virdee

The Truth About UK Zoos and Animal Welfare

Families visit zoos to see the different species of animals, which provides a chance to learn about wild animals. However, a recent investigation by the Aspinall Foundation, which is a Kent-based charity, found that there is troubling treatment towards animals in UK zoos.  Known Violations in UK Zoos Aspinall Foundation

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Danielle Dodd

The Cruelty-Free Lifestyle: Making Compassionate Choices for Animals

In recent years, there has been a significant shift towards adopting a cruelty-free lifestyle, driven by growing awareness of animal welfare issues. This movement is not just about choosing products that have not been tested on animals but it also encompasses broader aspects such: ethical fashion, veganism and supporting brands

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Photo of a badger.
Animal Welfare
Lorna Smart

Bovine TB and the Badger Cull

Image by PBarlowArt from Pixabay Please see the bottom of this post for the resources used while researching this subject. Wild badgers with TB may pass this on to cattle through sputum, urine, faeces, and wound discharge. Bovine TB (bTB) is a serious problem for farmers as it costs them livestock and is

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Why should I join 'Kelp Social' ?

Not all social media networks have a social conscience, but Kelp Social is changing that trend. If you want to learn about a wide variety of animal welfare topics, discover tried and trusted animal-friendly brands, or simply join a community of like-minded friends, with free blogging opportunities and sponsorship-led memberships available, don’t hesitate to sign up and jump onto The Raft today. 

We live in a society of readily available information, in seconds you can find out the answer to any question. However, information on conservation, wildlife, pets and cruelty-free products has not yet been unified under one umbrella. As we become increasingly curious about these topics, information about animal welfare needs to be in an easily accessible place. 

Kelp Social is this place.

Blog Posts

Animal Rescue
Kelp Social

Grey squirrels in the UK

The grey squirrel was introduced to the UK in the 18th century and their numbers quickly grew. Unfortunately, they carry a virus called squirrelpox, which does not affect them but can be fatal to red squirrels. Grey squirrels can also eat acorns that are less ripe. Discover Wildlife wrote: “[the

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Lorna Smart

Children and Dogs

Image by Stephen Chantzis from Pixabay. Please see the bottom of this article for the resources I used while researching this subject. In recent years, there has been an increase in media reports of dog attacks, often involving children. The headline of an article published on the website of the

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Ring necked pheasant.
Lorna Smart

Game Bird Shooting in the UK

Image by rfotostock from Pixabay Please see the end of this article for the links I used while researching this. I had never really thought about the game bird shooting industry in the UK until I watched an episode of the BBC programme Countryfile. I started thinking about the birds who existed only

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Adopt Don't Shop
Mollie Kerr

OIPA Partanna | Day One

The moment Hugo and I arrived at Partanna, I saw Andrea. He gave me a hearty handshake and said “a gift” and as I looked down I saw two caps (for myself and Hugo) as well as two pens and a USB stick. Immediately I knew this man’s generosity did

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Intensive Farming

Image by Goran Horvat from Pixabay Please see the bottom of this post for the links I have used in my research. Intensive farming is a term that I have heard banded about many times. Recently it has purely been in a negative light. With that in mind, I thought

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What is "The Raft" ?

Kelp provides shelter, habitat, and food, while creating oxygen for the surrounding waters.

Sea otters, cormorants, leopard sharks, seals, fish and many more species are dependent on kelp to survive and thrive. 

Their tall fronds become canopies on the water’s surface and these fronds act as a raft.

Acting like its namesake, this essential part of the marine environment, Kelp Social offers the same sanctuary for animals above the water.

Kelp Social aims to create a space online that will better the lives of all species globally. Join Kelp Social and be The Raft. This surface will strengthen, but we need you.

Shaped by a community of passionate and conscious animal welfare advocates, ‘The Raft’ is a collection of blogs about all things animal-related.

These blogs are collaborating with a range of the best animal companies and charities, and written by you.

What can ‘Kelp Social’ offer me ?

Free Blogging Community

Although you’ll miss out on some great perks, we want everyone to be able to access all the content on Kelp Social. Make an account and get blogging: free of charge.

Paid Memberships

Our paid memberships include many perks:

Growing your account to ‘level up’, receiving new animal avatars

Communicating directly with other bloggers and organizations

Receiving exclusive rewards from our animal-friendly sponsors

Having the opportunity to be ‘featured’ on the site where your blogs will be seen first

Join our animal lover community!

Our Memberships

Join our animal lover community!

Register for free or sign up to our paid memberships. Members will get their own avatar and the chance to earn points.

Register for free or sign up to our paid memberships. Members will get their own avatar and the chance to earn points.

Our Memberships

Free Membership

Blog, comment, share and gain followers on the platform.

1 Month membership

Coming soon

Earn points and avatars while having access to rewards from our animal friendly sponsors.

6 Month membership

Coming soon

Earn points and avatars while having access to rewards from our animal friendly sponsors.

12 Month membership

Coming soon

Earn points and avatars while having access to rewards from our animal friendly sponsors.

Want to become a verified Sponsor?

Grab your own verified badge to increase your profile. Highlight your products by advertising on our site.

How can I become a ‘Kelp Social’ Sponsor ?

Kelp Social relies on bloggers and sponsors in the UK and around the world to spread the animal welfare message. By becoming a Kelp Social sponsor, organisations have an opportunity to communicate with a bespoke group of dedicated bloggers who are looking for cruelty-free products, ecologically-aware companies, and animal-centered charities.

If your company or organisation sponsors Kelp Social, you will become part of an ecological revolution. Our sponsors offer genuine value to our mission, and can work closely with our members to:

Welcome to Kelp Social's Beta Version

Kelp Social is in the first stages of many; soon to be brought to you as an app, with exciting membership perks and collaborations with animal-friendly sponsors. Make an account free of charge and start chatting with this growing community. Stay in touch with us on the site, via email or by following our social media (shown at the bottom of the site). We are always open to your thoughts and suggestions as to how we can improve this space. This platform cannot work without you!